NEW YouTube Comment Sharing [November 2010]
I’ve titled the video with the date because the YouTube video watch page layout and features tend to change multiple times per year. This should be a fun way to look back at different YouTube layouts!
TWEET this:
Last Layout Change:
Last Scrolling Comments:
OLD YouTube Layout:
#YouTube #Comment #Sharing #November
@SayfAlMujahid99 It looks nicer and cleaner.
“Myspace… Don’t even ask me… I don’t know…”
Yeah really who uses that come on YouTube #LOL
@marquesbrownlee I have the option to share on/with buzz and did twice yesterday even though I have no idea what Buzz is. Maybe that is in alpha stage now and only some people have it? They should also make it when I click on your comment it brings me right here for a reply, I think that would be way more advantageous over a share comment tweet ability.
@KennyMataz It seems like there are not many people with Internet in Brazil or they just don’t watch YouTube
BTW how fast is your internet and how much do you pay for it? I’m paying ~12.4$ for 20Mb/s down and 10Mb/s upload speed
#damn your really up to date at #youtube
MySpace in gay
@marquesbrownlee Wow thats fast… The best I could get here is 80 Mbps… Good for you!
@marquesbrownlee lol yeah
@BeratTV i agree a lot if you like the old one and have google chrome or moxelia firefox watch my video old youtube layout update it will save your life
Is this still possible?
Yo what’s up man? Let me know if you see this comment, hit me up on Insta AshKap30
Hello teen marquese, im from 2020 🙂
Who else is seeing this from 2022
Done me pls!!
YouTube was the best during this time