Red Planet Rendezvous on This Week @NASA
The Curiosity rover continues to make its way to Mars and its scheduled landing in Gale Crater on Monday, Aug. 6. Also Mars Yard; New record set; New heat shield test and new mission previewed; Landsat 40 and remembering Sally Ride and more.…
#Red #Planet #Rendezvous #Week #NASA
Red Planet Rendezvous on This Week @NASA
“TWAN0727 H264 ”
Fix the name before some one notices it :3
hope it lands ok
How could you leave the news of Sally’s death to the end of the video? Was she not more important than the SLS “news”? And that’s ALL you have to say about her? You should have made a special video in her honor! Same goes for Poindexter!
I bet this thing has better reception than my cell phone.
I like the “XXII Summer Olympics Moscow 1980” t‑shirt Yuri Malenchenko is wearcing on 06:56 🙂
Man, what’s up with people feeling slighted about Sally Ride? And the same with the whole lesbian thing, making a big deal out of that? How about thinking of the content of the video prior to her mention as being entirely in her honour, not to mention in honour of the others who have sacrificed their lives or dedicated their careers to space exploration. Stop moaning and feeling so bloody hard-done-by.
Too bad they could get another rover to take a video of the rover landing :’(
If the US Gov’t took just 10% of the superfluous defense budget and invested it on projects such as these or space exploration in general, man would’ve probably set foot on mars already.
Keep these vids comming !
damn it every time i watch a video from this channel i get this urge of playing Sci Fi games. over and over.
I noticed that too. I didn’t realize it was an Olympics t‑shirt. I was wondering why he was wearing a shirt that had the old CCCP on it. Thanks.
Mars ? Hell, we might be headed towards Europa & / or Titan with 10 % of the military budget’s funding, at least via a Curiosity level space probe. GWB signed the STS’s DNR notice, but I don’t see Obama doing much of anything to resuscitate it.
The United States is also home to SpaceX,the first private company to launch,orbit and recover space capsules. A SpaceX capsule became the first commercial spacecraft to dock with International Space Station last month. SpaceX is already working on rockets to fly to the Moon and Mars. Commercial space flight is the wave of the future and once again the United States is leading the way. A human landing on the Moon or Mars is best left to someone like SpaceX.
I agree that NASA needs at least a 10% or more for to continue with manned exploration of space and beyond.Our future is in the stars.