The Vergecast 050: Android vs. Apple, iPod roundup
nexus,Android,the verge,iPad mini,news,ipod nano,journalism,technology,entertainment,galaxy note II,Eric Schmidt,apple,science,reviews,culture,tech,iPod touch
This is it folks. The 50th episode of The Vergecast. It’s a very special day in the life of every podcast. A day that like all other days, only happens once. Although it seems like The Vergecast is all grown up, that’s not really the case. It’s really just getting started. Think of it like a toddler: it’s filled with wonder and awe, everything is exciting and wonderful, and it’s always getting into trouble.
On this week’s episode Josh, Nilay, and Ross welcome in 5by5’s Dan Benjamin to discuss the news of the week.
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00:04:55 — Google’s Eric Schmidt says Android vs. Apple is the ‘defining contest’ while dismissing Microsoft
00:21:55 — iPad mini: rumors of a smaller Apple tablet
00:24:45 — Apple iPod nano review (2012)
00:26:25 — Apple iPod touch review (2012)
00:51:05 — From rumor to retail: the full story of Google’s fourth-generation Nexus
01:00:45 — Samsung Galaxy Note II review
01:02:50 — Your Klout score must be greater than 35 to read this More from The Verge:
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#Vergecast #Android #Apple #iPod #roundup
Apple doesn’t make cheap things #win. 25:00 end video.
with Google is stock android, non-nexus devices. T‑Mobile generally makes the bulk of these, rebranding and putting stock on devices like the HTC Dream (G1), HTC Desire Z (T‑Mobile G2), HTC Magic (MyTouch 3G), Huawei IDEOS (T‑Mobile Comet), etc.
Google = Nexus device.
The amount of bashing of all things not Apple is disgusting.
Paul !!!
I wanna see Hatty damnit
Chat room is awesome…
43:20 “They should use Lumia 920’s to film this.”
Ahhh Vergers, never stop being super-creeps every time a woman comes on the show.
This is absurd. The phone has the best hardware in the market, according to the guys who actually have hold the device: It has better materials. It’s exactly the same as the Galaxy Nexus both in form and front, the back looks better than the back of the GN. WTF are you taking about.
Welcome to The Verge cast, where technology advances mean “I didn’t change its external image”. You did the same with the iPhone, it’s kinda of absurd.
I would have hit like on this video, but u guys kinda just let this guest be a judging jerk who clearly thinks his show is a hundred times better than this… I don’t like this guest =P ain’t nobody better than the verge crew
the girl’s twitter: @haddiebird
y do u all tlk at da same time???
Tablet sales 2012 : iPad-52% Android-48%
Without this show, my life has no meaning.
HTC released the G2 with stock Android. It’s rare, but its possible. Maybe LG realized that its now actually a selling point to offer stock Android instead of a skin.
The ipad mini will be $350
iPad Mini at $249 is insane, given that the iPod Touch is $299 on entry. I’d wager that $399 would be the cost of entry at its lowest storage.
Damn she is hot!
nilay is to google as josh is to windows/microsoft
I agree with Ross Fifth Element is awesome
My prediction Ipad mini will be $349 with 16GB and LTE
the name will be iPad Nano . thats my guess .
seriously this is soo annoying, you guys talk about a subject for like 10 mins then talk about complete bullshit for like 30 mins, in the timeline it says “ipod touch review, 00:26:25–00:51:05” thats wrong because u spent like 10 minutes actually talking about the product, i dont mind a few jokes now and again but come on!! i love the verge mobile show, but the vergecast needs to take a leaf out of their book!! ps stop talking over each other.
what do you think about the name iPad S (small, slim… whatever) it’s so apple ?
Dan is so awesome. He just doesn’t give a shit.
Not a single fuck was given by Dan that day
I love how wrong they are on the Note II..!