Monopoly, J.J. Abrams, ‘Half-Life,’ and Monty Python — 90 Seconds on The Verge: February 6th, 2013
half-life,iron,python,valve,journalism,jj,reviews,monty,culture,abrams,technology,gabe,cat,news,today,newell,science,bad,the verge,tech,entertainment,portal,robot,monopoly
“Six pairs faced the moat and only four remain. The other two teams are no more — four people, with four pasts and now no future. We stood triumphant and scared of what’s to come. We were dried, and we were given minutes to rest.
“ ‘It’s time for the Big Face to tell us about the legend of —’ I can only hope my companion, who looks onward with stern resolution. He was the brains of all this; my worth would hopefully be proved later. ‘Pay attention,’ says the Jovial Man, for our knowledge of the legend would bring you a step closer to his temple. My nerves were, alas, too great. I had no hope for this myself. I thought of family, of my life, of how I ended up here and whether or not I would ever see the outside world again.
“And so begun the questions…” More from The Verge:
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#Monopoly #J.J #Abrams #HalfLife #Monty #Python #Seconds #Verge #February #6th
Took me a while to get the Graham Chapman joke. I feel ashamed.
i love all the legend of the hidden temple references.
WTFOCK. the iron was the best. well at least I still have the old set. :p
He kinda remind me of John Travolta in Pulp Fiction XD
Good, your normal.
i like this guy …
“my normal” lol
The variety article they base the Monty Python news on is from over a year ago. This movie probably isn’t happening. Maybe! But probably not.
The dead Parrot Sketch is my favorite one. 🙂
So much hate in YT, it’s crazy. Digging the hair, Sheffer.
Two words: video descritions
The Hair.
Its just the articles that are going to be put on the verge site soon.
hipsters , hipsters everywhere
Obviously that must mean there’s something wrong with you. Because, you know, the outros are totally normal.
Then they’ve done their jobs well.
its just too hipster for mortal minds like ours to comprehend. =/
You are sexy.
…He’s pinning for the fjords.
HAHAHA that was an excellent reference to monty python. Perfect.
presented by ford?
Poseur ass
This guy is awesome. But still. These outros need to at least make a LITTLE bit of sense.
Why is Sam f*cking something? 😀 Seriously, he looks like he’s holding something down there and then he makes those moves back and forth…
Great to see Sam on a regular, around 90SOTV!
dammit I always play iron
Dude, is he high?
It is always a BIG FAT LIE. ALWAYS!
I love how he stressed the fact that a man isn’t on this earth with us any more. Some youtubers need dialogue like that ha.
I don’t get the intro’s and outro’s…