PRISM, Obama, Xbox One, and iRadio — 90 Seconds on The Verge
president,obama,barack obama,nsa,national security agency,surveillance,congress,phone,PRISM,microsoft,xbox,xbox one,online,used,game,gaming,tv,blu-ray,dvd,apple,sony,iradio,music,streaming,subscription,ross miller,ross
President Obama responds to recent revelations on the NSA’s data-collection programs.. Microsoft releases detailed requirements for the Xbox One… Apple reportedly signs Sony for its streaming music service. More from The Verge:
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#PRISM #Obama #Xbox #iRadio #Seconds #Verge
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Can you please turn down the volume of the background sound. I cant understand a single word (on my shitty speakers).
OMG!! Can’t wait until tomorrows video! 😉
I read the 3rd point in Harto’s voice.
No, ignore PS4 and get Xbox One
So wait, if I have a Xbox one and my internet connection goes down for more than a day I can’t play my games, guess this means I am going back to PlayStation, at least I will have my 360 to play gta V when it comes out
w8 fail. XBOX one fail. Apple Sony and Google will rise higher
PRISM knows
Yes people keep your old 360 and buy a Ps4… Just hate what Microsoft is doing, and now its getting toufher to trust American companies with your data.… Screw the government
ok, tell me now how would you believe the KINECT wont record everything? . I mean Microsoft is involved in PRISM. Its getting really ridiculous.
and this is why i love you, vergenians!:)
And what happens when you don’t log on every 24 hours?
why does that happen?
Well it’s sure that xbox One won’t sell much in my country, coz internet isnt that readily available here. Well it’s time to start liking PS4 😉
As a European I’m glad to hear that only non-Americans are potentially spied! USA + Google Glass = millions of potentially spies around the globe! Yipee!
Well, at least it is being treated.
He should have winked after the Microsoft comment lol
Doubt it, I highly doubt it. The new NSA datacenter in Utah wasn’t made just to collect dust or strictly internet inquiries. The last thing this administration wants to do is make any actual cuts into programs that give them leverage over the people. Sequester? Oh please…
Because Google Glass records and takes pictures without you knowing. Wait, let me guess, is it because Google is secretly a part of the government instead of being their own corporate entity?
Please don’t come here to explain conspiracy theories.
Who cares if apple has sony they still won’t have the best phones like android
The Xbox one will succeed George Orwell’s predictions of “1984” with the exception that we will be filmed by our games consoles and the information won’t be directly fed to Soviet Russia.
xbox one RIP
Keep all the negative shit about Xbox one to ur self’s no one gives a shit
Why would someone not watch a 1:31 short video?
So it’s confirmed Microsoft started secretly selling my data to undisclosed individuals in the government since it early-adopted the PRISM program in 2007. And now after massive outrage we have a vague promise of “clear notifications on how your data is used” at some point in the future.
So when Microsoft got caught red-handed selling personal data to PRISM and they refused to stop selling our data… was that considered a “clear notification”? hmmm
Great! And I wanted to get a new Windows 8 computer :/
This must be the best 90sotv yet:)
i wont uy that Xbox i will buy a new PC… At least i can play games, anywhere , without 24H connection, what a crap, WE ARE getting back in our capabilities.….
I would understand that if the game were rendered on super PC extream graphics, and with a good wifi connection.. which is not the case.
every 24 hours? so what if your internet on the fritz? what if you couldn’t pay for your internet that day? wtf.
Except that the Sony logo is a little out-of-date, since Sony BMG hasn’t existed for five years.
PRISM + Kinect
Obama is going to watch you from Xbox. Kinect… who knows??
The world ends.
Obama Prism