Bye-Bye HTV!
NASA,ISS,Expedition 36,HTV‑4 Release
International Space Station astronaut Karen Nyberg of NASA used the Canadarm2 robotic arm to release the Japanese HTV‑4 cargo ship on Sept. 4, after its month stay at the orbital outpost. The cargo craft, dubbed “Kounotori” — the Japanese word for “white stork” — by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), arrived at the station Aug. 9 filled with more than 3 ∏ tons of supplies and spare parts for the crew. It will be commanded to deorbit on Sept. 7, headed for a destructive entry into the Pacific Ocean.
#ByeBye #HTV
Bye-Bye HTV!
Whoo! Congrats to all on a successful mission!
Whats this HTV?
Wow. It just happened today. Internet.
wait wait wait so japan has a space center to… if they do then, i don’t know what to say
Sorry but what is the HTV and how comes its going?
Well, that escalated quickly 😀 😉
That was nice
Because its replacement is a HDTV!
Really, they don’t retrieve it? Is it cheaper that way?
Hahaha HDTV. I like it!
So it’s going get back to earth for another use?
can’t it’s components be reused in ISS?
there are a lot of solar panels i think useful as replacement.
Have a nice deorbit, Kounotori !
No, the way it was built it will not be able to survive atmospheric re-entry, so it will disintegrate over the pacific ocean.
If you want to retrieve a spaceship you have to build it with a heat-shield and an aerodynamic shape to reduce air-friction. If you have too much drag and not enough shielding, the friction-heat and the forces on the vehicle will melt it and rip it to pieces.
Bye-Bye HDTV!
well considering this is nasa, the people who recycle 97% of their urine to reuse as drinking water, im sure that if there was a practical way to recycle the HTV, they would have.
No longer. HTV will disintegrate upon reaching the earth
Good by R2D2
wow 3 tons. That means nothing out in space.
What an awesome picture from the Canda Arm, which shows the density of the clouds, along with the halo of the Earth Atmosphere. Great effort and excellent to have successful mission.
Seriously; to me it would be so Vastly much preferable if the US and the NASA Administration would decide to reduce their current co-work engagements regarding the ISS Programs as well as most of the ongoing & planned Future Space Exploration Missions ahead, that they now very unfortunately have with Russia, and replaced the Russians as a “most reliable” Partner in Space with JAPAN & the Japanese Space Industry! And — a BIG Congratulation to Tokyo, for now having been awarded the 2020 Olympics!
If only they could make a HTV which could be disassemble or configure to take far less space and then put back on a cargo for a safe return and re-assemble for a next flight to the ISS.
They really should have watched this before making that Sandra Bullock movie
Means a lot. Just because it’s “weightless” in space doesn’t mean it can hauled around like a feather. That’s three tons of mass to handle around.
so they got make new one?
Yes another new HTV, same with european’s ATV & russian’s Progress
lol why they can’t keep it and use it for another mission.
These kind of cargo ships are not designed for returning to earth. They dont even have a heat shield like the one in Space Shuttles to protect them from tremendous heat while entering the atmosphere, and their design are not that aerodynamic enough. Anyways these cargo ships serve as their garbage trucks for their trash in ISS, so in that case their garbage return to earth.
thank you so much for the information.
[1] Indeed I respect that you have a different opinion on this serious subject but I strongly believe that I’m quite satisfactory well-informed & well-insighted within both the Russian as well as the American NASA-related Space Projects & Missions from the Very beginning & now ahead; I was in fact born 1961 when the SpaceAge so to say began when J Gagarin orbited the Earth & Lyndon B Johnson managed to convince JFK that it actually WAS technically achievable to send Humans to the Moon & back > >
[2] Continueing from [1] > But what deeply bothers me here about your respond to what I commented is, that you, with all respect, do show such a lack of ability to fully comprehend & a lack of awareness regarding how Truly appallingly Russia has changed during Putin’s reigning when it comes to a long long list of ABSOLUTELY Fundamental Basic Individual Human Rights, Citizen Independent Justicies & most of the Democratic Fundamental Rights & Liberties that we, in the Free World, benefits so from!
We’re will and when will it be deorbited