Media gets prelaunch status of NASA next Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
During a briefing at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center the prelaunch status was discussed of the agency’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite L (TDRS‑L), scheduled to launch January 23 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
The TDRS‑L spacecraft is the second of three new satellites designed to ensure vital operational continuity for NASA by expanding the lifespan of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) fleet, which consists of eight satellites in geosynchronous orbit. The spacecraft provide tracking, telemetry, command and high bandwidth data return services for numerous science and human exploration missions orbiting Earth.
#Media #prelaunch #status #NASA #Tracking #Data #Relay #Satellite
looks like the bad start of a jeopardy show , not to mention the guy on the left in the beginning looks very suspicious. Looks like NASA is building a new communication system throughout the solar system, giving telecommunications companies another BIG payday off the taxpayers.
I don’t consent !
Allha is come soon at Islam.
Allha is come soon at Islam.
Tehnologite sa dostignali svoia pik i naistina kostva usilia na uceni ingineri isledovateli naucni rabotnici moge bi trebva dse nasocat usiliata naucenite v savsem druga posoka kato se abstrahirat ot vsicko nauceno do sega za da isledvame vselenata ni trebva nova nauka i nov vid energia.