Panel Discussion Key-Aspects of NACA Research: NACA Centenary: A Symposium on 100 Years of Aerospace
On March 4th, 2015, the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum and the NASA History Program Office hosted a special symposium to commemorate a century of aerospace research and development. A speakers panel was convened to discuss the transition of the NACA to NASA. The speakers panel was comprised of:
Moderator: Michael J. Neufeld, National Air and Space Museum
The NACA and Research Policy at the Hands of History — Robert Ferguson, Independent Researcher
Epochs of Space Technology at NASA: NACA to OART and Beyond — John C. Mankins, Artemis Innovation Management Solutions, LLC
Women of NACA: STEM Stories to Inspire Future Generations — Adrienne Provenzano, STEAM Educator
The NACA at Lewis Laboratory, a Legacy of Ohioans Solving the Problem of Flight — Shannon Bohle, Archivopedia, LLC
The NACA Centenary program was presented as part of a symposium by the National Air and Space Museum and the NASA History Program Office in commemoration of the aerospace research and development that has occurred in the 100 years since the NACA was established.
#Panel #Discussion #KeyAspects #NACA #Research #NACA #Centenary #Symposium #Years #Aerospace
One Wiews !!!
I hope technologies will get better, there are still a lot of things to do.…
1. Flying without Emissions 0% objective.
2. Flying without fossil Fuel
3. Flying much saver specially in the private sector,
parachuting security systems are needed on every vehicle off-ground,
which is for years still not done and realized till today.
All these Points are very needed to be forced onto the private sectors by international Laws.
There should be no more improves on developing new, more effective engines based on fossil fuel,
by Law and under hard law enforcement.
There should be no vehicle going off-ground without a parachuting security system,
forced by Law and under hard law enforcement.
There should be an international Law of the prohibition having a flight in the airspace of a battle zone .…
like it happen over the Ukraine, where the responsibility of all the dead persons, is only by the peoples letting them fly over a battle zone and still they are free and not sentenced for their crimes.
Love it! Great video for International Women’s Day. Rebecca M.