Real Martians Moment: The Dirt On Making Oxygen On Mars
NASA,Research Engineer,Glen Research Center,Mars,Diane Linne
Diane Linne, is a Senior Research Engineer at NASA’s Glen Research Center, working on ways to make oxygen on Mars – for rocket fuel and for breathing. Believe it or not, one possible way is with dirt! That’s because we now believe there is quite a bit of water in the soil, either as bound water or as hydrated minerals. Wait ‘till you find out how you get water out of dirt – it’s real “MacGyver-like” ingenuity! This type of real NASA science is enabling the Journey to Mars and, most importantly, ensuring our astronauts can get off Mars and back home to Earth.
#Real #Martians #Moment #Dirt #Making #Oxygen #Mars
Real Martians Moment: The Dirt On Making Oxygen On Mars
I can’t wait until people actually go out to Mars. It wil be just like when people went to the moon for the first time.
Have you recreated the martian enviroment exactly enough to garantee the distillation and combination processes ? Personally I would favour to remove as much risk as possible from life support criticals such as oxygen, water, food and fuel. Designing a modular ship where you launch the components individualy then construct the craft in Earths orbit, or sending a crewless supply craft into Mars orbit ahead of our pioneers just incase. God speed
Great! One step closer people 😀
What a piece of work is a man!
Cool!! Nice work!
my eggs NASA
mars is tasty
0:00 NO!
Magina só se eles começarem a escavar em marte e acharem algo ou algo congelado em marte.
bem interessante isso cara, amei essa notícia a terra talvez um dia acabe e nós teremos que começar uma nova vida em marte, seria bem interessante pq la não teria as mesma tecnologias que na terra ou ate poderia ter mais pra começar tudo do início seria bem difícil mais seria muito legal e interessante adimiro muito vocês da NASA parabéns e obrigado por compartilhar isso com a gente.
cof cof aquele cheiro de peido em marte kkk
Nasa asteroid is really hit the earth?
Cadê os Br nessa poha ?????
2 palavras
Radiacao — espacial
won’t the rototiller will just gouge holes in the box of soil?
why not planet drop couple of thousand of comets and use surplus nuclear warhead to jump start the planet
essa mina eh cantora sertaneja ?
Muito loko esse cabelo de xitaozinho e Xororó!
nasa’s video production is left in the 80’s, I felt like I was watching a joke video made by rick and morty.
Barber: Diane, what kind of haircut we going for? The Joe Dirt?
ok ok when are you leaving for Mars? can you handle this question?
Sound??? ‑meh weird encoding, (or eeeem bad settings on my puter) can only hear this on my headphones… Whereas I usually can hear stuffs like this on my stereo speakers. So now… feel free to ridicule, help or ignore.
I hope to see people on Mars in my lifetime! They better get a move on!!
Please NASA you guys can make a better video come on…
dat mullet doe!!!!
Only problem is scale.
I am calling BS on this.
That box would be get maybe half a thimble to half a cup of water and maybe a litre or two of gasses if baked at over 450 faranheit for hours.
Heaters require a lot of electricity, so does electrolysis, so do gas compressors and so does gathering and tilling and baking and converting and compressing gas and mining and transporting thousands of tons of Martian soil.
Show us a video of you extracting a cup of anything useful out of that box of what looks like about 10 kilograms or 1 to 2 gallons of soil and show us how much time and electricity it takes to make even a few cubic metres of compressed gas or a few litres of water please.
Even if it is possible, it certainly isn’t feasible.
There is already oxygen in Arizona or wherever it is here on earth that nasa films as mars.
hello diana can give a real name of martian, please, im in challenge ❤️
CovidImages need to be invested more than half19