HTC One 10 Leaked, Google “Hands Free” & Clash Royale — Android Weekly
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no boom lame
it’s really too apparent that HTC has put their phone segment on the backburner.
HTC is just digging their grave. stupid choice i lost respect to them. never gonna buy htc again
I really hope that the HTC 10 is water resistant.
They screw up its still so thick so he’ll
Dam HTC are trying really hard to destroy themselves, keep unique design and the biggest selling point it’s speakers!!!
lol boom speakers is all that HTC had going for it, now it just looks like a Samsung. On top of this, HTC has shit cameras every time so why remove your defining featue? Boom SPeakers are great for media consumption and it’s probably a defining reason to get a M7, M8 and yes, even a M9. Now they seems to be generic and no different from a Meizu.
Not any Boom Sound Speakers? Me sticking to Nexus 6p.
WoW !!! HTC you finally really screwed up no front facing speakers??? That’s what made your brand!!! Take your one plus 3 to one plus save them the development time lol I sense get it sense more layoffs and corporate restructuring in your future if the company survives this one!!!
I like the fact it seems as if they are getting closer to stock android instead of further into the dark depths of Sense…
No boom sound front speakers?? Come on HTC, DON’T play follow the leader, be a leader!!
No boom sound speakers? Bad move HTC.
they could’ve shifted the fingerprint scanner to back. where it would’ve been round and much better than the square one.. or maybe they could’ve done a power button and fingerprint scanner like in nextbit Robin. IMO I like boomsound speakers. and the speakers on the down side would be very weak sounding compared to other HTC. even midrange ones
es bonito, pero no termina de convencerme el lector de huella, lo de boom sound en los altavoces es un punto menos, pero lo importante es que lo conserve en los auriculares, ahora solo falta ver el precio.
HTC are going down the hill.. They used to have the best smsrtphones.. Now they’re Just garbage
welp.…peace out HTC. its been fun
good strategy HTC, remove BoomSound coz It was actually great.
Whew looks terrible
men HTC lost the magic. HTC one of the best and they just lose it
men HTC lost the magic. HTC one of the best and they just lose it
If there is one thing that winds me up is a company stating “they want to reduce fragmentation” but does the total opposite. 5his now means there is Google Wallet, Android Pay & now Handfree all available in the US (trials in areas) but none of these are available in the UK. I now have a Nexus phone with a fingerprint reader with no use apart from to open my phone.
Google has done the same thing with Hangouts & Google messenger also Gmail & Inbox. Why can’t they just stick to 1 thing & just get it right.
I’m slowly starting to lose my faith in Google in regards to their Android roadmap, I want them to be the best but it’s hard to defend them when they do these things.
Woohooo … Atlassian … been using JIRA for few months 😀
im guessing that design is only for the rest of the world market? And maybe.… just maybe there would be a different one for the Chinese market, like the htc x9.… :L
This phone has better be fucking amazing or fairly cheap, and with the a9 being what it was I don’t think it can be the latter.
Only part of htc I liked is gone. Dead to me you are htc.
bring back boomsound.. take fingerprint scanner to back.. and come back with roll.. htc
I like the HTC 10, the specs kills the LG G5.
im coming for you sire! #clashroyale2k16
If that’s the next HTC flagship, I’m disappointed. Having a physical home button just to have a fingerprint scanner is silly. Why not integrate the fingerprint scanner into the power button as Sony have cleverly done? Having a physical home button is a backward step. And no boomsound speakers seriously sucks. That was HTC’s big selling point. HTC are going backwards big time here and likely will only be making VR tech in future, don’t see them having a long term future in mobile phones.
I think they should put a finger print scanner build it the screen where the HTC logo on the M9 is and a better camera and processer for photos
a HTC phone without BoomSound speakers… what has come of this world
every time I see leaks of HTC a9 or m9 m10 make me happy with my m8 .boom sound double camera .rest in peace HTC you fucked up
the front facing speakers are why i was gonna go back to htc 🙁 ffs
HTC deffinetly has lost their mind. In favor of little gimmicks like a finger reader and capacitive buttons, they have ditched the best smartphone speaker on a smartphone. What are they thinking? We will never know.
No stereo speakers = No buy!
if haedphone jake was in down of the phone gonna be better
m8 disen so nice just add home butten
I really hope it isn’t going to actually look like that. The M8 is far more beautiful.
If they updated the specs of the One V, Id buy one. I loved that phone.
No Boom Sound?! HTC One M8 User here. Should keep the BOOM! I was hoping for something to WOW not ho-hum. Also hoping for a better camera and smooth OS. Waiting…patiently.
no boomsound I’m done
they made a breakthrough with the m7, after a clear success they decided to shoot themselves in their feet in every generation to follow, WHYYYYYYYYYYY??!!!!
They made an iphone lookalike hoping it would save them, when one of the reasons m7 was a success was that it looked better than the iphone, and they got rid of the dual front speakers to put the bs fingerprint scanner. SMH, seriously disappointed.