Meet the crew of ‘Star Trek: Discovery’
trek,star trek,trek discovery,star trek discovery,st discovery cast,st:d,sonequa martin green,jason isaacs,doug jones,mary chieffo,michelle yeoh,anthony rapp,wilson cruz,shazad latif,aaron harberts,CBS,Star Trek,TV and Movies,Special Features,Ashley Esqueda
Cast members of the upcoming series discuss their characters and how each fits into the Trek universe.
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#Meet #crew #Star #Trek #Discovery
in italia siamo arrivati alla 4 puntata. non guardatelo in italiano perché non ci sono i sottotitoli dei dialoghi dei Klingon. spero che la serie non sia incentrata solo sulle spore perché se cosi fosse hanno sprecato una occasione. Come rovinare una serie storica. come se JJ Abrams non ci fosse gia riuscito.
After the turd episode, I mean third episode I lost interest. So, the lead character for this show is someone you should look down on and have little respect for if you have any morals for the actions she does. Not to mention I’m still waiting to see some Klingons on this show. After all, I thought Starfleet just got into a war with them. So much talk of these Klingons but not one single sight of a Klingon.
I really can’t wait for Axanar to get released. It’s about time someone created a real Star Trek show since it’s clear CBS are not capable.
Casting,crap… acting…crap and to slick
Just watch the Orville, that’s more Star Trek than this bullshit
the writers ruined this show.
Overall I think this new series has lost the spirit of star trek. Previous incarnations have been about about a peaceful future and coexistence (at least on earth), exploring the known bounties of space, technology and ethics/morality. Star Trek is about making you think and reflect and hopefully move towards a better more peaceful future. I think this show is all about nonsensical shock value as illustrated by its “F word” theatrics.
we wuz space pilotz
Well I for one like star trek discovery a lot. It’s an interesting take and I’m seeing so much hate here it’s crazy. Long live Star Trek Discovery.
The only thing this show shows me is how decadent our society is. Gay characters totally ruined it for us.
All sissy’s gonna watch this crap THIS show is not about Roddenberry’s vision. Girl power need adrenaline, so here it is. Not anything can be learned watching this show being a grownup MAN.. but then again the show was meant for a younger audience and here we are .. as mid aged people giving our opinion. Let the youth of our generation .. (and next) just enjoy the fantasy — as it is I mean Cmon man .. All these eveluations recaps and critics are cheap. Stay open for new adventures and timespace living fantasies. In the end it will prove a creative mind that can truely speak its mind about the quality of DSC
Aside from not knowing how to actually respond to questions and acting awkwardly, Sequoia has no idea what she is talking about. You have to be familiar with Vulcans to understand Spok, ok but she is her own woman so she can just effin ignore what Vulcans do and do whatever the hell she wants. Ok again, Vulcan indoctrination? What the what? So we forgot about SHARING THE KATRA OF SAREK, how convenient.
The captain here we go, he is the messed up guy, I was wondering, who is not messed up from this amazing selection of characters? Alien scaredy-cat? Capt? Sequoia? Socially awkward redhead? Burned out soldier guy? Christ symbol engineer guy on the verge of collapse from his spore dose?? Give us a break please!
Nuances and 3D, guess we stopped discussing STD. Exhaustive responses from all the actors, no stop reading, go back and re watch the whole thing, they have no idea what the hell they are doing and it shows, dumb questions, dumb answers.
Capt. Georgiou has an effect on Burnham, Burnham gets TRIGGERED and vulcan neck pinches her, then just ignores her orders and starts a war. Pretty intense effect there capt.
L’Rell has less difficulty speaking, wow how can a race of idiots build starships and invent warp drive but be almost completely unable to communicate with each other effectively?
Like all other Clungons have suffered brain hemorrhages and are required to be in exoskeletons to be able to walk, come on! Even the costumes signal the complete futility of any complex movement in them, at all by any kind of alien.
“Our show seeks to remind everybody that we NEED to be our best selves” ?? I can not believe this guy is getting a paycheck, CBS sucker management throwing the investors money out the window. The show reminds me personally that the characters in the show suck, they are uninteresting and especially cruel people who should be on a mining asteroid and not in Starfleet of all places.
“even if we are in conflict youve gotta put your best foot forward” You mean phaser or torpedo not foot right? Cause that is what the show is about, mindless massacre? Re watch the episodes and write down how many times a senseless explosion, weapons fire or death happens, youll be surprised. “its all about how we resolve our disputes” Violence?
“this version of Star Trek reminds us of where we can go” Who would have guessed, its a trick question right? Is it, by any chance, war? We can go to war? Discover war?
What is this? Seriously the more money goes into this show, the better. Please just dial back with the lens flares and the particle effects and it may be a good show muted.
I have just one suggestion to make … please don’t rush the action in just one episode, is confusing and it is tiring to watch.
lol ok we get it you don’t wanna watch this show. then don’t. watch it. don’t waste your own time by writing a pointless comment on a video you didn’t even want to see in the first place. geez. D:
Worst Star trek ever! Std is quite fitting for this cesspit of a show
I am a big Trekkie, and all this negativity is getting on my nerves. Yes, it isn’t exactly great.…and has broken a lot of stuff on what star trek was and is.…but also it’s nice to see it bring new fans in. And also changing a few things is the only way for it to really work in this generation. This isn’t just aimed at the older fans, and it is quite interesting to see how the show is turning out to be honest.
I don’t want to meet them.
This is the worst Star Trek of all times! It’s an absolute abomination. Gene Roddenberry is spinning in his grave. The only thing Star Trek about it is in name. You slap another name and no one would ever know it was Star Trek. Discovery is a disgrace.
When are they gonna meet the enterprise
T’Pol was a more interesting character than Spock. Without her Starfleet never develops, the Xindi Mission fails and the Federation stays stillborn. She was the key that brought the Andorians and the Vulcans into the alliance. Now having watched Discovery I like Michael Burnham a lot. It was a great idea to have a human raised on Vulcan. Although I agree with the criticism that it’s a hard sell to place the story in Spock’s timeline.
Unlikable cast. Unlikable characters. Unlikeable show.
Can’t wait for the season 2
Shit writing no original thought at all it’s a ripping off of all other sci-fi really didn’t enjoy it at all.
This show blows. I Refuse to call it Star Trek.
Too much CGI and too gay in general. I see exactly were this series is going after the the 2nd episode. Down the sjw liberal yellow brick road.
What a shame Star Trek has gone the way of the Star Wars mess.
They left out one person Cadet Sylvia Tilly played by Mary Wiseman
does the real paul stamets get royalties for his mention?
The people that write the dialogue need to be tried, convicted, and executed for Crimes Against Humanity.
Start Trek DYSENTARY .…PISS-COVERY? FFOL, the Leftards are RUINING Star Trek!!!!! GET F*CKED, you SJW BASTARDS!
oh great, tons MORE lens flares…
I’m waiting for season 3•••