Inside the Xbox One X
Xbox One X,xbox one,xbox,xbox one x specs,ps4 pro,playstation,Microsoft,the verge,verge,nick statt
The Xbox One X is the most powerful game console on the market. Microsoft invited us to its Redmond headquarters to detail how it designed and manufactured the console. The company was also eager to answer bigger questions: why it made this device, who it’s actually for, and what it all means for the future of the console games industry. Subscribe:
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MS’s first party is weak and they are relying too much on Halo-Gears and Forza… a bit too much with annual release of Forza is already showing Franchise fatigue in sales.
I also purchased a PS4-Pro and I am getting a XboxOne x(day One) …I am still on 1080p
I hate to break it, these consoles cannot do 4k 60 fps. May be they can do 4k on kiddy games…
apart from SONY trying a bit and pushing their First Party Studios (Horizon Zero Dawn) .… I am concerned after the honey moon is over if the developers will care about putting more effort for performance.
It seems that both SONY and MS have a vision to upgrade the hardware quicker … the developers do not want to put effort on the games. They are either being pressured to incorporate Loot Boxes rather than invest anything on Performance.
It’s a monster!!!! 6>4 😄
Playstation announces a new console every 6 years. Q1 2019 there will be a new Sony console, that’s less than a year and 3 months. Just wait for it, specially if you don’t have a 4K TV yet. Microsoft was too desperate to announce this Xbox One X now, they could’ve waited…
I’m a console gamer at heart, and probably always will be, but stop comparing it to PC gaming. It isn’t going to compete.
Oh look, it’s a PS2 PHAT remaster!
what a sony fan boy video
This video makes horrible assumptions. Firstly, you do not need a 4K TV to enjoy many of the benefits of a One X; we’ve seen improved textures, frame rates, and super sampling will also allow for a better image even on non-4K displays. Secondly, makes the strong implication that everyone enjoys gaming on PC, but they don’t their’s a large demographic of gamers who game on console exclusively. The host comes off very negative in this video and just makes a bunch of open questions without really elaborating on them.
Bad move to do this kind of thing during an ongoing and thriving generation. You cannibalize your own product and restrict it all in the same. For generations ported games have had to be based on the lowest common denominator of platforms. When Sony and Microsoft do this, they can’t really squeeze the most processing power and still hold the responsibility of allowing vanilla users access to the same game.
Love this.. gonna get ps4
If you don’t or not thinking of owning a 4K tv then the Xbox one X AND PS4 Pro is out of the question.
garbage !
I think Microsoft is on the right track and this is definitely a great console. To me its worth it and will be picking one up soon.
only if Microsoft brought halo back to PC again i would be happy
As usual The Verge with it’s negativity against Xbox the last remaining media Outlets that are anti Xbox as usual typical Verge as always
Crap, if they’re using standar PC parts, why don’t they do a final smart move and make the consoles upgradeable?
dollars are nothing, in my country it’s about to cost 740 dollars 500
The Sony ponies have tears flowing.
No one wants 30fps 4k. No ones going to buy this.
I think it’s VERY clear who the XBOX One X is for — it’s for ME! It’s for those who don’t want a PC, but love to play games with out the fuss of wondering if their video card can process the dreams and intent of the developer.
You’ve got it all wrong, this isn’t for the wealthy and it isn’t just for those who have a 4K TV. Hmmm… doesn’t the PS4 claim to support 4K (in spite of the fact that it does not have a 4K Blu-ray drive) but I never hear anyone saying that gamers should consider that when purchasing a PS4 Pro.
Also, it should be mentioned, the PS4 Pro doesn’t do Dolby Atmos either. Oh and the PS4 Pro seems to have a hard time looking pretty (compared to an XBOX One X) when running Shadow of War… even on a 1080p screen.
Who is this console for? It’s for everyone who has wanted something better from Microsoft when PS4 gamers were taunting XBOX gamers shortly after November 22nd 2013.
It’s for everyone who wants raw power in a gaming console, but doesn’t want a Wii or a PS4.
It’s for everyone who loves their OG and 360 games, but has run out of HDMI ports to add yet another console.
It’s for everyone who it thinking about VR/AR but not ready to pull the trigger on THAT technology yet (I promise you it is coming to the XBOX One X)
Instead of questioning “Who is this for” its for everyone… but people like you I suppose.
thats too small to have all those parts squished in together its still not going to be anywhere near the master race
How many times do we need to hear, “Most powerful ever!” as if that is in any way significant?
1. It’s the latest machine, so unless it’s a portable andor made by nintendo, it SHOULD by default be the most powerful.
2. Just like the PS4 Pro, this is a resolution enhancement, it does NOT replace the baseline. Games will still be designed around the weakness oops, I mean capabilities of the 28nm Xbone is PS4.
You’ll still benefit a lot even if you don’t have an UHD TV. Display resolution isn’t everything!
I feel in todays market, MS should make sony consoles and sony should just sell games 😛
Should I upgrade to Xbox One x from ps4 pro.. Is there a huge performance gap between the two?. Please keep in mind the fact that I don’t have a 4k television. Your opinion would surely help me to decide .
I bought my Xbox one X Scorpio edition and it completely blew me away. It is well worth the money.
Omg **
Xbox is so useless for PC gamers. We already get xbox exclusives.
What’s with product makers saying x iPhone and now the Xbox
all i want is ubisoft stop doing sh*tty downgrade …
All about Xbox One X :
Guys I swear I just got free.$ from this amazing website: (just go to)=>
Why is nobody talking about his huge ass eyes
Great video The verge 🙂 you get one like and subscribe
i do have the XBOX ONE X
PS4 PRO has no problems
And my dad is the owner of Microsoft!! I will tell him don’t sell anymore Xboxes
0:27 are those xbox one x cas prototypes?
No one will pay $600 without a game, and it over heats. You can buy a pc with out video card for more the power, and still run Windows 10. On top of it the slim’ s Not even a year old
a console for playing pc games, lol, 1% of pc games that is.
Is there a problem with Xbox one x smelling .
Right now I will enjoy the PS4 Exclusives and wait for PS5 or Xbox Two for Prefect Native 4k Gaming
If any of you came looking for video of cutting open the console then this video is not what you are looking for. Hope I saved 5 minutes of your life from bieng wasted!
Where’s the camera that sends a feed to the CIA?
The One X is future prepared. Freesync™ 2.0. plus you don’t need a 4k TV. It downsamples to your screen’s resolution. Super sampled.
The Xbox one s is the best because it’s the same thing as the x just not as powerful by a little bit. It cost less and has a better upgrade than the Xbox one. The x just looks cooler.
0:30 Theres a ps6 PRO!
Lol I play on this thing all day and it doesn’t even makes any sound
I think the Xbox One X was great I went from an Xbox 360 Elite to an Xbox One X. Now the Xbox series X is out and I see no need nor reason to get it because again the lack of content so maybe in another 4 years I’ll get the next addition. But my Xbox One X is just fine for him