Facebook, Google worked on anti-refugee ads, ZTE phone features two screens (Tech Today)
AXON M,VISCERAL GAMES,ea,ZTE,Facebook,Google,Tech Industry,Tech Today,Jeff Bakalar,Richard Peterson
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Today’s major tech stories include Facebook and Google assisting an anti-refugee group, a new mobile phone sporting two screens and EA shutting down Visceral Games.
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#Facebook #Google #worked #antirefugee #ads #ZTE #phone #features #screens #Tech #Today
Sounds like good news to me
Google is still subverting appropriate responded to a Google search. Right wing crap is first to appear on search pages — after very specific Google search requests.
Wanting to keep the border secure is NOT the same as being anti-refugee. Good grief CNET, don’t be fake news.
google is anti terrorist. thats the truth.
That ZTE phone though
Why is this a bad thing? Are they allowed to only run pro-refugee ads.
Glad Facebook and Google finally know the migrant crisis is real
“Massive tablet?”
Anti-Refugee ad is a bad thing?
So I know this video had lots of important things, but let’s hope the new Star Wars game doesn’t go the way of Mass Effect Andromeda
Make no mistake people, EA sacked Visceral because EA wants future developments to include microtransactions and loot boxes.
CNET. I love you guys for tech news…But, please get your editors to wake the hell up if they plan on covering political subjects relating to tech. Dont pull a Forbes…
Language means everything. There is a large difference between legal and illegal immigration. This isnt hard to understand.
That’s why Facebook and Google are not good platforms to do things.
EA is killing Visceral Games Noooo!!!!
OK CNET? Can you please do a video on the re-birth of the flip-phone. We have the Samsung Galaxy Folder 2 and the ZTE Cymbal‑T LTE on the market and people are buying them, myself included but I see nothing on CNET.….…. What’s up with that?