iPhone X preordering tips (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 107)
Apple,Apple Watch Series 3,Leaked watchOS 4.1,GymKit Support,Apple Music Streaming,Google Pixel 2 XL,Pixel 2 XL screen burn,Animoji,Animoji trademark,iPhone X,iPhone X Face ID,Face ID,Reduced Face ID Accuracy,Face ID accuracy,iPhone X pre-order,iPhone X order,iPhone X preorders,How to order the iPhone X,iPhone launch day,Where to buy the iPhone X,how to buy the iPhone X,Tim Cook,Culture,Gadgets,Apple Byte Extra Crunchy,Brian Tong,Stephen Beacham
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Brian tells us his secrets for scoring an iPhone X on launch day. Bloomberg says Apple reduced the quality of its face recognition system in order to get more iPhones out in time. Plus, Apple is getting sued over the Animoji trademark.
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#iPhone #preordering #tips #Apple #Byte #Extra #Crunchy
laser surgery courtesy of Apple. Reduce facial wrinkles.… LOL
Dr Evil… “I want fricken lasers on their iPhones” … ROFLMAO
oh crap, what if Face ID breaks??? That would suck!!
I don’t care! lol.… stupid I know, but still going to buy one.… luck of the draw I guess … 😀
Who watches Hollywood TV or Movies any more??? Most people watch YouTUBE these days… lol
c|net live stream is more popular… hehehhe.. 😀
That is disgusting!! Apple are so evil. How could they do that to that guy.
Like come up with another name already!!!
Wish I hadnt spent $2000 AUD on an iPhone X now. 🙁
Boo Apple!!
I hope he gets a HUUUUGE payout. And free iOS devices for life.
verizon silver 256 gb/paid in full…nov 17–24 delv
Got mine
Will screen burn in affect iPhone X? Thats our biggest worry.
I love iOS… true, it is smooth and intuitive.… I hate Android. It feels so clunky and stuttery.
apple as a company fails in my books samsung all the way
that was an hour an 30 minutes ago!! 6pm AEDST!!!
whats cricket?
LOL … I want a free iPhone X!! Pweeeeeeaaase!! 😀
Ordered 64gb space gray delivers around 13th Nov , missed out on pick up instore for 3rd Nov
I have 6s plus. Should I upgrade? Thinking about it.
5 minutes in the web page and got mi order for 2 iPhones X!
Here’s a tip don’t do it
1st world prob
How do you get to stay home all the time?
I set my alarm at 250 am I am on the east coast. Went into my Verizon App Store and at 255am I got Space gray X!
Got mine pre-ordered! It was really slow at midnight but after like 15 minutes it went thru! (That’s what she said)… the good thing is many people already got the iPhone 8/plus.. and price scared another ton…
I actually got through last night and got my iPhone X order confirmed! But I’m regretting paying that much money and am seriously considering cancelling. Ugh!
i order throu att website 5mins before..they went live
I don’t see what the big issue was… I was able to get through the system in the first 10 minutes and I was on the web browser. The app was way too slow for me and it froze on me. Glad I had the backup browser.
November 10th delivery hooray
Yea and they had the App Store app down on purpose
Verizon 11/3
I liked it better when tong and beach were in the same room. Now there’s a disconnect and it feels weird
Yep in Australia they are saying that there is more chance of getting an iPhone X just walking into a random store than preordering there is 30 units confirmed PER STORE for JB Hifi in Australia there about about 52 stores in Australia total so that about 1500 units guaranteed on launch day for ONE store not to mention all the Apple stores and carrier store stock as well whcih i don’t have number on. no idea how many units are for preorder but Apple hat less than the carriers!! whcih is odd!! they must want more people to go to stores to get the apple iPhone
Where’s my iPhone X Plus?
Best pre-order tip. Don’t pre-order. Buy a real phone. Why have a phone with an old Samsung Amoled display when you can get a phone with a new one.
iPhone laser free until 2017
Apple will buy pepper pig and get the rock involved somehow
Have to work on your Oi Oi Oi’s mate