How’s Overwatch League doing?
CNET,CNETTV,News,Overwatch League,esports,Overwatch gameplay,Overwatch epic batttles,Blizzard Entertainment,Blizzard’s Overwatch League,Esports league,Esports competition,Overwatch video game,video game tournament,video game league,Gaming leagues,Esports fans,Logan Moy,Ashley Esqueda,Overwatch live stream,Overwatch,Gamer league,OWL
The ambitious inaugural season of Blizzard’s popular first-person shooter is about to start its second stage, but is the League doing what it takes to turn casual gamers into esports fanatics? Here’s our first report card.
Overwatch League makes the grade —
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#Hows #Overwatch #League
The new times are not a good thing. Yes, it’s good for the US but the times make it almost impossible to watch games in the EU. Only Two games start before midnight with these new times. Two games out of 12.
- I wonder how much of that $90 Million they’ll get back?
- Would it be too much to ask to make the players be recognized by their REAL names and not those dumb ass internet nicknames?
- Will Blizzard grow up and start drug testing players so that they can’t be high on Adderall while on live television?
- Are viewership and ratings projected to go up or down? Because the Overwatch League didn’t boost the concurrent player base for the game, which has been declining for 6 months now.
Who the hell are you to judge OWL?
hallå det är fiinn shaming!!
I agree with a lot of this. However, the stages are for balance updates, so they may seem unusual, but they are very important.
Great and fair review! I watch on Apple TV through a third party Twitch app which isn’t ideal but it’s the best I’ve got!
im not sure what knock off back of the truck roku your talking about… Twitch has offical apps on major smart tv apps…
Why do I feel like this girl is a super feminist?
I’ll admit, I was skeptical because I would rather play the darn game myself instead of watching others play it. But I’ll have to admit, the presentation is great. It would be amazing if we are able to select who we want to watch instead of having it jump around from character to character. Like for example if we want to see what the tanks are doing right all game long, we can keep it focused on that specific character the whole match. If I did have one thing to nitpick about the Overwatch League is that the panel of analysts talk WAY too much. Just get to the action already, that’s all we want.
Accessibility a C-? Disagree 100%.
It’s only big in the US tho. The report card for everywhere else is probably a D- (with the exception of Koreans maybe, but even koreans are already moving on to PUBG) The non-Overwatch players outside of USA won’t even see it ever in LIVE section because they will be sleeping. And the players basically just going to watch highlights because (i) the hype is gone when everyone else already knows the end result; (ii) noone is going to wake up in the middle of the night to watch it.
She’s cute af
very fair critique. i tried to watch this with some people who had never heard of overwatch, and we were unable to load up twitch on their TV, so we didn’t even see a single second of gameplay footage.
What turned me off was trying to watch 24 hours of game play each week. Way too many games each week imo
Yeah, the comments about it opening a console browser window are innacurate. On Xbox, it opens straight into Twitch.
As a OWL fan and past APEX fan
This assessment is pretty fair.
playstation and xbox both have easy to use twitch apps that would put it on your tv the accessibility is a good as it can get with out it being an actual tv network
i thought this was a meme shitpost video
Twitch is on Roku. That’s how I watch games.
The channel is dying so theyre trying to get views by making an OWL video OMEGALUL
MUMA rollout beef
If u r going to criticize come up with some solution
the onlt thing its missing is teams being able to pick/ban maps
If you have a smart TV try looking for and app called GameStreams its basically twitch but for tv. all the broadcasts are from twitch just different name. i have it on my LG 4k tv so try it on other brands.
you have to be careful not to use the wrong emotes though… twitch uses trap emotes that are fine untill you use them
the comments about it being “too” complicated could just as easily apply to conventional sports, just sayin’
Xbox has fixed the swap over to twitch.
Wait is that a month break between stage 4 and the whole season playoff?
Accessability isn’t really an issue since Twitch is free and almost everyone has a smart phone or device to watch it on. Not to mention OW contenders was actually on TV, so they probably didn’t put it on TV again as satellite and cable are overrated anyway.
not enough xQc 0/10
Not sure why, and even feel mildly guilty, but want to punch this chic in throat every time she makes a weird facial expression.
That’s an ad.