Westworld Season 2 Episode 5 talk gets bizarro: Morning After After Show, Ep. 5
CNET,Technology,CNETTV,News,James Marsden,teddy flood,teddy,bernard,akane,rinko kikuchi,rinko kikuchi westworld,hiroyuki sanada,hiroyuki sanada westworld,season 2 episode 5,recap,talk,discussion,shogun,shogun world,westworld,the morning after after,the morning after,patrick holland,westworld season 2 episode 5 explained,westworld season 2,westworld hbo,hbo,delos,old west,sweetwater,jonathan nolan,season 2,theory,westworld explained,jeffrey wright
Join us in the kitchen this week where we talk about Westworld’s latest episode “Akane no Mai”. We also interview actor James Marsden who plays Teddy Flood and enjoy another cocktail creation by CNET’s own Caitlin.
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#Westworld #Season #Episode #talk #bizarro #Morning #Show
Shogun world was a fine sidetrack…please, dear god, don’t let this settle into an extended killbill
The hosts in the lake are all duplicates made by Ford in the lab under the cottage (as seen in S1) to use as decoys. Ford flooded the valley (remember his excavation in S1) and had the hosts put in the lake. The valley was the place that William was excavating and that he showed to Dolores in a flashback in S2. Whatever the MIB wants to use to burn the park down is in the valley. Dolores knows about it because William showed it to her and she wants it to use against the outside world. Delos has no idea what’s in the valley and was decoyed there because of the hosts but as soon as they drain the valley and poke around a bit they’ll find MIB’s whatever. Flooding the valley was just to delay whichever of the three contenders got there first until the other contenders reach the valley. Once everyone is present we have one treasure, three contenders, one shoot-out. Remember everybody is in Ford’s narrative (literally so because the area was reserved for his narrative). And of course Ford has the last laugh. He already had whatever was in the valley removed and hidden some place else.
I’d love to see Akane, did you watch the HBO the making of Rinko Kikuchi is awesome!!
The shogun world so much interesting than tumbleweed western boring killing scenes. Weak on culture(this episode not true shogun world) but whats up with gun fight in martial arts world. SO FAKE LIKE CHINA🤭
Done with WestWorld. I was bored with it during 1st season. I liked the broken amusement park concept of the original, but the robots become conscious AI theme is not interesting to me.