Did an Accused Witch Curse Salem for 300 Years? | Dark History
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Giles Corey was accused of witchcraft and crushed to death by the sheriff of Salem. With his dying words he cursed the sheriff and the town. Many believe the curse was real, and resulted in 300 years of ailing sheriffs and a great fire that destroyed much of Salem. #HistoryChannel
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#Accused #Witch #Curse #Salem #Years #Dark #History
Find the bones salt them and burn the body
Does bribery work better in those days?
Town of salem
4 years later Corwin died.
It’s a curse.
Yeah, right.
Just say the cursed words i ur head just in case u would not be cursed or people around u
Only came here because of the word Salem. Salem from…you know… RWBY
Those people in the present day shall evacuate.
Hey …that’s history ?? Or paranormal
“I put a spell on u” Hocus Pocus 😉 meow
My mother is a witch please help me.
I use to work in Salem, MA. Nice town, nice people.
When you play FGO and this appears in your recommendation.
Half of the witches was trying to help uncurled some of the children and they were still accused of black magic, when they were doing white magic
Imagine being accused by complete imbeciles. It sure must have sucked having more than a single digit IQ back then.
I’m going in a few weeks
No a witch didnt curse it i did
wow the history channel still does history?
“Voices her skepticism and soon accused of being a witch herself”…
its not witchcraft itself that caused hysteria its the skepticism and dictatorship”. “and soon accused of terriosm ”
21th century
I’ve always been curious about the mechanism of curses. Take the great Salem fire.
1). At the time the town was going through one of the worst droughts in it’s history
2). Most of downtown was made of outdated wooden structures. There was actually an urging to rebuild the area
3). The fire was caused by a factory explosion.
So which part did Giles Corey have a part in? Did he cause the drought? Did he whisper in the ears of the politicians not to build better structures? Did he cause the factory explosion?
Is it related to the forest fire in 2020
That guy is crazy as 🤬 those people get their karma though
Most of those who say they don’t believe any of this are often the very same ones who refuse to go to such places. They puff out their chests and flex their muscles, but are way to scared to spend a minute alone in such places. Ironically, and sadly, these loudmouths are often the same ones that many women consider the “alpha males”. Many women don’t realize that the ones who squawk the loudest are typically the ones who would often score the lowest grades in school. They also don’t consider the genes they will inherit.
Come on history Channel thankful
All that anger and disbelief of the people accused of witchcraft, basically all in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation, yeah I could believe there was a curse placed.
Half expected one of the victims to come back as The Crow and kill everyone responsible for the deaths (murders, really), and I totally would understand why lol
No one was burnt at the stake for being a witch in Salem. That only happened in Europe. Get it together History. Then again History does air Ancient Aliens😹
The Drunk History version is way better