Florence Harding | Mrs. President | History
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Find out how Florence Harding, America’s first feminist first lady, helped put her husband in the White House. #HistoryChannel
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#Florence #Harding #President #History
Warren G. Harding was a great but underrated President may he and his wife rest in peace.
History Channel, you never explained who made Warren G. Harding a president and who gave him a wife to support his robotic scenarios as a president?
Americas best First Lady is Frances Cleveland 😍 lol
But Harding STILL cheated on her
America’s decline was enhanced by Mrs. Harding.
Wth?! She’s totally Mitch McConnell! They’ve got like the same face
Her recipe for lemonade was killer!
She killed him
I’ll give a much better and a real description of Florence Harding. She ran the show. Why? Because “she” was a biological man. Mark my words, soon the “His-story” channel along with all of the other mainstream networks will collapse like a deck of cards. People, your entire “education- indocrination” has been nothing but lies. I don’t mean a little here and a little there, I mean EVERYTHING!
The tide is turning — Harding will get his due. He didn’t start any stupid wars, fixed the economy and wasn’t bad on liberty too.