How the Pixel 4 LOST a lifelong fan
CNET,Technology,Tech,mobile phone,android,smartphone,google,pixel,pixel 4,pixel 4xl,pixel 4 xl,new pixel,pixel 4 impressions,pixel 3,pixel 3xl,upgrade,phone,google pixel,pixel 4 sucks,why pixel 4 sucks,pixel 4 review,pixel 4 xl review,full pixel 4 review,pixel 4 full review,pixel 4 xl full review,google pixel 4,jeff bakalar,pixel 4 is bad,pixel 4 xl is bad
Jeff Bakalar has owned every Pixel since the dawn of time itself– and here’s why Google’s Pixel 4 will be the first one he skips.
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#Pixel #LOST #lifelong #fan
I don’t think google care about what you said… And if you judge pixel like this, how about apple?!!!! The reason you said this just because google didn’t give you a phone for free.
Google, I don’t need to be wowed but this is late 2019 and there is simply no excuse for any android phone shipping only 6 gig RAM, 64 gig and this small of a battery at this price point, especially if you’re including a 90 hz screen. You’re NOT Apple, you’re OS optimizations are not nearly that good to get away with these specs; you had a year and this is the best you could do? Seriously? I would never buy a OnePlus but they’re are beating you at you’re own game; I’ll hang on to my 3xl, dumb notch and all
Google makes good software and accessory, but not good hardware.
Honestly if you have the Pixel 3 just stay with it. The Pixel 4 is not that big of a difference and you phone is 1 year old at the most. Upgrading every year is just dumb.
Apple and google both have cloud service they need to justify and keep running. The fact they do not get rid of the baseline storage of 64 GB is a fact that they are wanting the users to spend money on those cloud platforms…google has some thing called the google one now, not think they will change the base storage even for next year…Samsung and others do not have dedicated cloud platforms to force their users to use their cloud services when they run out of space due to hi res images or videos
i have a pixel 1 my wife has new apple pro, she still makes me take all vacation pics with the pixel 1 because “your camera is better”
The Pixel 4 XL is an excellent device. Definitely built for the user experience and not for the tech snobs and spec chasers.
Just keep your phone for a long time. I am still rocking out an iPhone 7 Plus. I am patiently waiting for the 5G networks to be erected everywhere.
The Pixel 4 looks like my iPhone 7 Plus while it’s in its Caseology Case. Mine is the burgundy colored case.
My first smart phone was iPhone 4s, then I upgraded to 5s because of 4G, then I got 7 Plus because of the big screen. My next phone will have 5G. iPhone 12 Pro might be the one.
You look older than 4 years. Splain yourself?????
Bring back the 404. Still one of my favorite podcasts.
Google lost a long-time faithful customer with me as well. I have been Android for ever, and had Pixel 1, then the 2, then the 3 (but returned the 3 in a few days for full refund). The great irony is, in part, Pixel devices actually pushed me to try the iPhone for the first time ever b/c the Pixel’s OS was constantly changing to mimic iOS but half-baked, glitchy and frustrating and I wanted a smoother/better OS system. Then.. I had a perfectly AWFUL experience with Google support and that sealed the deal. I sold my Pixels (and also sold my PIxelbook) and got the iPhone 11 pro and also scored a great sale on MacBook Pro. This is my very first time with Apple products. So far, I’m digging the experience and Apple support QUICKLY proved to be MUCH better. In fact, I don’t even miss the Google products one bit. My only complaint with iOS is that there is often more steps/clicks to do one task and jumping around extreme screen locations for these steps. Android has better long-press & swipe options vs iOS. I miss some of the simple one-swipe or one-click to do similar function but, that isn’t enough–whatsoever–to come back to Android at this time. I do miss is Android Auto b/c it surpassed CarPlay so I hope Apple fixes all the awfulness with CarPlay. I’ll give Apple a good long test drive but so far I’m liking it.
I go with every other nexus/pixel. By then the features are usually a bigger upgrade and my phone has just about had enough. I think I might move to something cheaper though. $1k every 2 years for a phone is a terrible investment. I have the same desktop I built for the same price as my phone 6 years ago and am just now feeling like I could use an upgrade
Very good review, I agree with you, these two phones don’t stand out enough. Yes, there a let down, especially n the 🔋 department & only 64gigs of base storage. 🔋 anxiety is not a road I wish to travel. Project SOLI actually sucks? It’s like waving a magic wand, yikes. Instead I chose the 4oo.oo dollar 3a XL on sale. Am I missing much, very little? The two biggest busts of 2019! Sorry, Google you screwed the pooch with these two?
64GB is definitely enough mate. Also this is actually a great phone that gets too much hate. It’s just everything was leaked.
I just bought the pixel 4 XL just black 128gb. I don’t think I can do 64GB especially if there’s no expandable memory. 128gb is fine if there’s no expandable memory. I still believe in expandable memory but I bought the pixel 4 XL on purpose to see how I feel using a phone with no headphone jack or no expandable memory. Aside from always wanting to try a Google phone. I have yet to get it setup and stuff. I need to do that and transfer over everything and use it for a while and see how I like it if not then it’s going to turn out to be a $700 + dollar mistake.
I use the S10+ & the 4xl, so which do I like better. Actually BOTH? The 4xl is a speed demon with the 90hz & two less gigs, shocked how fast it is. Plus I got it for 300 off, now it’s worth the 💰. Very good review. By the way everyone complains about the 🔋, with forced 90hz on average 6hrs SOT, not to shabby!
Specs specs, speckidy specks specks, blah, blah, blah.
In all fairness I wanted an upgrade from my S8. I got the XL model, and I’m well happy. Only a few bucks more a month. Camera is brilliant. SOT of 7 hours. More than enough tbf. Packed with loads of great tech.
The only thing that prevents me from buying the pixel 4 is only the battery.