How a touchscreen controls SpaceX’s new spacecraft
CNET,Technology,News,Tech,science,space,spacex,international space station,touchscreen,controls,rocket,spacex rocket,rocket launch,astronaut,spacecraft,outer space,iss,falcon 9,falcon 9 controls,explained,explainer,display,autonomous rocket,shuttle,douglas hurley,astronauts,gloves,space suit,helmet,space adventures,robert behnken,claire reilly,elon musk,nasa,space x,spacex launch
When SpaceX and NASA send their first crewed commercial flight to the International Space Station, the astronauts on board will barely have to lift a finger.
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#touchscreen #controls #SpaceXs #spacecraft
50 years from now this will be ancient technology
Perhaps in the coming future, there’s a way to create touch screens with good sensory feedback. Gotta move with the times, those analog buttons and switches are SO ancient except for the side-stick.
The future is now
Mmmm.…that anchor expressions…😉😉I like it
Those suits don’t have neck braces… Simple stuff guys
Your eyes.…where all of my concentrations stuck rather than new-gen spaceship! <3
This is built on JavaScript top of V8 chromium engine LOL
We’re closing in to The Expanse series
One button said “Deorbit now”. Imagine accidentally pushing that
What if touch screen goes off?
Thanks so much for sharing. I had the chance to witness a rocket launch in 2018. Memorable experience. I shared a pretty awesome video of the trip on my channel.
3,2,1 ignition liftoff of Falcon 9 and crew dragon go NASA go SpaceX god speed Bob and Doug T+30 seconds into this historic mission and look at it go
We need touchscreen control panel for pilots on cockpit flight deck of comnercial passenger and cargo planes. They should follow touchscreen trends used on tesla cars and also spacex dragon spacecraft.
How that we have touch screen controls we can start training monkeys to fly the machines.
Oh I thought they were actually going to talk about the touchscreens silly me
The best interfaces combine tactile controls and touch screens. Like the pilot pointed out, you can operate fast with tactile controls and muscle memory. You force a lot of extra mental processing into the loop when you go touch screen only. So when thinking is required, sure, keep it in the visual domain, but for little things like adjusting parameter values or navigating menus, a static set of tactile controls will offload a lot of unnecessary mental work.
First spacecraft in American history to autonomously dock with ISS.
Isn’t this inaccurate?
А где в скафандрах астронавтов размещены агрегаты системы жизнеобеспечения на случай внештатных ситуаций на орбите, такие например, как разгерметизация кабины или эти скафандры только на задымление киноплощадки павильона рассчитаны?
I love you baby 🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿🖕🏿
I’m betting that Hurley and Behnken are being quite generous in public here. This is a bad idea because …
1) The yoke or the stick is so ingrained in the heads of pilots that it’s instinctual, like walking.
2) Your arm is going to get tired with nothing to rest your hand on.
3) There is absolutely no ‘feel’ whatsoever trying to drive a vehicle with the tip of one’s finger.
IMHO Millennials need to realize that life is not a video game. No disrespect intended.
Definitely the future 🙂
Why add a “R” at the end of a word than ends in “A” Australia, South America, parts of England stop it. I know it is just an accent, but it that one is just horrible.
her voice makes something in me grow big
Meanwhile, blue origin crying in the corner.
Where can i find out more on the controls???
Literally my dream job to design the user interface for a space ship
this is the future
space ipad
I wonder if “Real” astronauts look at Space X Astronauts.
No secret