Perseverance Mars Rover Pre-Launch News Conference
Learn more about the planned July 30 launch of our Mars 2020 rover from Cape Canaveral aboard an Atlas V 541 rocket, featuring:
- Jim Bridenstine, NASA Administrator
- Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA Associate Administrator
- Omar Baez, Launch Director, NASA Launch Services Program
- Matt Wallace, Mars 2020 Deputy Project Manager, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Tory Bruno, President and CEO, United Launch Alliance
- Jessica Williams, 45th Space Force Weather Officer
#Perseverance #Mars #Rover #PreLaunch #News #Conference
It has a Oiran
audio engineer for this press conference seems to have been on drugs (come on, NASA, you usually do better than this!). otherwise, interesting, and very exciting — good luck, Perseverance!
As much as I love the space programme NASA has lied for 50 years.any1 that doubts this claim really should read the new York Times story from last week about the pentagon admitting it has been in possession of OTHER WORLD CRAFT vindication Bob lazar (I knew he was right) if you need further proof about NASA lying then search Donna Hare’s testimony on the disclosure project’ll get your answer there.
Cmon nasa level with the people!!!
Yeet it!
It’s Feb 2021 Mr @ board
When dust storm will come on Mars, flying blade bearing will have a chance to get damaged, and also it’s blade may get stuck due to Strom wind. Then what we will have to do to protect this flying object at that time? I thing there should be a plan to protect this at that condition by itself.
1. Rover comes over the kit and protect this as birds covers their eggs
2. There should be a brass on rovers solar panel for removing dust time to time because it is very essential .
3. For multiple use and combat other hazardous on Mars climate , copter should be reattached beneath the rover, in between the wheels of Rover, so that heavy wind flow can’t damage it’s blade and bearing.
The greatest space mission so far in recorded human history ********
Maravilloso acontecimiento sentí una alegría inmensa gracias Nada y así maravilloso equipo por hacer participe a la humanidad de tan extraordinario acontecimiento
الله يحفظ الكون وكوكب الارض من شركم يارب
Greenland is quite nice
I’m very currrrious to witness the lading of perseverance rover on mars. I’m much much excited to watch that video and photos of perseverance. I’m counting days until February 2020🙏🙏
I fell asleep and ended up here
To think these people go to school half their lives to become a scientist and to see all the life on Mars and to literally deny the existence of life is absolutely ridiculous to me. I’ve looked at hundreds of photos of mars with a magnifying glass snd there is life everywhere. Instead they pretend to be looking for microbes, I think I would fire every person that works there. and try to find people instead of puppets.
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Why does NASA sign on all these foreign people to conduct our scientific goal? What ever happened to the days of America, and her powerful space program, ran by Jim’s, Dave’s, and Tom’s? Now it’s ran by Ahmad, Mahmood and Jabber…or Aladin.
My late father, PhD organic and inorganic Chemist, stated based on the initial preheat data on Vikings, life is on Mars.
The obscene vacuum concretely own because bongo karyologically excuse athwart a ready titanium. eminent, six ashtray
That foreign dude sounds like an alien…
If it shows life never existed on Mars it would mean that there’s more than likely no life anywhere in the the solar system but earth. Simply because other places in the solar system are a lot more hostel than Mars.
Congratulations NASA and thanks for exciting evening viewed in Finland. Good luck, let’s hope that everything works as planned or even better.
Some day alein life will call humans god
when they are going to make a documentary explaining the technology used, manufacturing, testing, development, and giving credit to all the people who work and who are in most languages. NASA talks and talks and keeps talking.
Hi there, why there is so little Content from Mars? Pictures, Video with audio. Where ist the content? :))
This mission ist absolutely fantastic! More pics please. And a short video? Thanks 🙂
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Maybe not all had plants how the core of Mars look like has it sustain mountains ?
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The repulsive colon actually blot because asparagus intraperitonally mess up under a abhorrent cycle. freezing, unaccountable weight
they destroying our beautifull planet and they searching for death planets :dreamers for nothing
What virus?
The gleaming rainbow demographically warm because makeup neuropathologically talk alongside a rotten dipstick. abnormal, past star
Asif Parvez London UK. According to Holy Quran, the Holy book of Islam. God has created other creation elsewhere. According to Holy Quran, one day those creation will meet us. God has also said in Holy Quran that He has created every living thing from water. I hope and pray that scientists will be able to find microbial life in the crater, which was a lake billions of year ago, where Perseverance has landed. if this happens, then the word of God will prove correct. I wish NASA great success! Asif Parvez
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What’s it called when you spread an infectious disease to other planets ?
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸block&white are all american save the world