Gravity Assist: Why Icy Moons are So Juicy, with Athena Coustenis
Jupiter,JUICE,Jupiter Icy moon expolorer,nasa,esa,ganymede,europa,callisto,icy,moons,oceans
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For decades, moons of the outer solar system have proven fascinating subjects for scientists interested in the search for life. Forty years ago this year, NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft flew by Saturn’s moon Titan and took the first close images, revealing a thick orange-colored atmosphere that is the most Earth-like in the solar system. NASA’s Cassini probe then dropped off a lander at Titan called Huygens in 2004, and studied Titan in detail during its 13 years at Saturn. Now, NASA is preparing to launch the rotorcraft mission Dragonfly to Titan in the 2020s. But Titan is just one interesting moon. The European Space Agency’s upcoming JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission will study Ganymede, Europa, and another moon of Jupiter called Callisto. Meanwhile, NASA’s Europa Clipper mission will provide complementary observations of Europa.
Producer Credit: Sonnet Apple & Elizabeth Landau
Music Credit: Universal Production Music
#Gravity #Assist #Icy #Moons #Juicy #Athena #Coustenis
Nasa really said “Why Icy Moons are So Juicy”
No one :
Nasa : moon is juicy
Me thinking : how would it taste 🤔 😂😋
I love Nasa
Can someone explain me what is the reason that if ocean in present underneath of ganymede , it has induced magnetic field ?
I mean if it has Induced magnetic field , is it necessary that it has ocean below it?
I’m the 148th person to watch this video!
You need so much patience to be a scientist. Like waiting for 10+ years to know what’s going on in Jupiter and it’s satellites.
Hi am sruthi Rama chandran, please tell about what happened before of bigbang.and please reply
NASA lies. The Earth is flat.
Let’s get Juice.
I knew Moon bae was Juicy!
Luv u NASA from india
Please also write Urdu translation on the screen inside your video. Because there are more than a billion people who understand Urdu and they are 100 years behind you in terms of education and knowledge. NASA has made great strides. There is some benefit for those who are far behind in terms of knowledge. I apologize. Don’t you want him to advance in technology?
Cheese isn’t juicy
The music doesn’t add anything to the video, it just makes it hard to hear what is being said.
Insightful. Thank you.👍
Yo I wish i could be a aerospace engineer and work for you guys but I’m 13 sadly but I’ll probably build a high tech Saturn 5 model
That music — really makes you work for it. If leaving it out is an option in the future…please do. Great show!