60 Years of Mars Exploration Has Led to This
Watch live on February 18, 2021, as our Perseverance Mars Rover touches down on the Red Planet.
60 years ago, NASA started sending robotic explorers to Mars, but none have been as sophisticated as Perseverance. It will gather samples from the Martian surface for possible later return to Earth, and fly a drone for the first time on any planetary body. Watch it touch down live and use the hashtag #CountdownToMars for the latest updates and news.
Producer/Editor: David Anderson
Music: Universal Production Music
#Years #Mars #Exploration #Led
human how to go back earth? robots doesn’t need go back earth! robots it’s human only choice going to Mars!
Google maps: Your destination will be right below you. Don’t forget to rate google maps.
Don’t show this to Rogozin
200.000th view i even refreshed the page and it was the same
We should own the stars! Ad Astra!
SPOILER: It’ll safely land on Mars.
“60 years…” is plural; “has” is singular. Review your grammar… Any mistake may result in a problem… –Written after successful touchdown. Congrats!
The World is full of Imitators, Pretenders and Wannabes.But there is only One USA 🇺🇸
What if the reason area 51 is closed off is because thats the land they use to take the photos of “mars”
Fools i am from the future. It exploded
i just got the notification. what is happening?
NASA you’re my favorite Martian
I would like see a glimpse of year 2050 and 2100, to see what role the Moon and Mars have at those times in humans history.
SpaceX is a best
ITS ALL LEAD TO THIS…us putting another robot on the ground. Yayyy🙄
Ура, поздравляю Америку! А неверящим в это-соболезную
چند فارسی زبان وجود دارد
Mars is the nearest plan B of the earth & hooman civilization.
Yeah… Nice technology stuffs. Do not forget to repair/pay the penalty cost of my private “UFO”.
It was 2 times your residence creatures disturb my private “UFO”. On 3 times: i will wipe all of you in one planet. No more creatures in planet.
Do you want to watch my private video of star surface?
I visited star surface ( i was flying at star surface similliar like your astronaut. I was around less than 10 metres from star surface) and record it by use my technology stuffs.
The recording durations: less than 60 seconds ( less than 1 minutes).
Idiot.… Lamer…
Adios !!!!