OneÂPlus Watch review
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The $160 smartÂwatch has a lot going for it, but missÂes the mark in terms of fitÂness trackÂing and connectivity.
InterÂestÂed in the OneÂPlus Watch? Check it out here đ
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#OneÂPlus #Watch #review
Its just a fitÂness trackÂer with large screen.A 40$ fitÂness watch betÂter than this(except the screen).
Its just a fitÂness band not a watchđ even amzÂfit watchÂes which are not true smartÂwatchÂes either have betÂter feaÂtures with lowÂer price and more options
đ#:)âHelÂlo worldâ!!!đđŁđ
That backÂground score! Awesome! đ
This is half baked. Iâll wait.
And yet you did not talk about makÂing or receivÂing a phone call. How is the mic and speakÂer quality ?
Iâm in love with you!!!
I wouldÂnât be apoloÂgetic with any comÂpaÂny nowaÂdays. Even if they are sellÂing someÂthing for cheap. They didÂnât delivÂer on things that they were supÂposed as seen in any of the reviews Iâve seen. Iâm disÂsÂaÂpointÂed. OneÂPlus didÂnât do a great job this year. Weâll see how it goes nextâŠ
ImagÂine readÂing the New York Times đ€Ł
Thank you for this unbiÂased review , the prodÂuct seems unfinished,better buy a good fitÂness band rather than wastÂing your monÂey on this
The watch is huge disappointment
For the price I think Iâll go for it đ
Can you play the downÂloaded music on the watch through the watch speaker.
WatchÂing this on SamÂsung note 9 with pre install iode osđ that also respect my privacyâđŸ
OneÂplus realÂly lost itâs way⊠They canât comÂpete in the watch marÂket when they are falling behind in the phone marÂket. Their price increase does not reflect an increase in refineÂments unforÂtuÂnateÂly as a preÂviÂous ownÂer of a OP 8 Pro. They have no ecosysÂtem, they have no expeÂriÂence in health. This watch has no place in the marÂket where the perÂfectÂly serÂviceÂable and reliÂable Apple Watch 3 is only $10 more at some locaÂtions and the Galaxy Active 2 nailed the valÂue smartÂwatch game.
Like with everyÂthing these days â itâs probÂaÂbly betÂter to wait for verÂsion 2.0, or buy anothÂer prodÂuct thatâs already at that stage or higher.
I nevÂer underÂstand why human need a smart watch for hunÂdreds of bucks. A smart watch is a fitÂness trackÂer that looks more preÂmiÂum. Fo othÂer feaÂtures I have my phone. so whatâs the point?? 160,- for this watch is a steal. BetÂter than wastÂing hunÂdreds o bucks for a Apple Watch that you need to charge every day.âŠ
Has already 2 time more feaÂtures then the Apple Watch n m opinion!
The issue of Android watchÂes is that they canât susÂtain 60 fps
Where tf do I read the full review
With a oneÂplus device and the latÂest updates, itâs a lot betÂter but still not âgoodâ per say. DefÂiÂniteÂly worth the price tag espeÂcialÂly if you can get a $20 off disÂcount code though.
See the OneÂPlus Watch here đ
*CNET may get a comÂmisÂsion from this offer.
If you are watchÂing this in 2022 (or latÂer) you should know that most of the issues menÂtioned around syncing/connecting to the phone, hearth rate, gps etc. are fixed. I have been using the watch for almost a week now and I can say so far that it is a solÂid watch with great batÂtery life (charged it full the day I bought and still got 40%). Sleep, blood oxyÂgen, hearth rate and stress meaÂsureÂments are quite conÂsisÂtent. Did not find anyÂthing that I would call a glitch. The biggest issues so far are no 3rd parÂty apps and limÂitÂed watch face supÂport. But hey, for the price, I am perÂsonÂalÂly more than satisfied.