Is There Oxygen on Mars? We Asked a NASA Technologist
Is there oxygen on Mars? Technically yes, but it’s nothing like the amount we have on Earth. So breathing is out of the question. However, there IS a lot of carbon dioxide (CO2) on Mars. Now a new technology — MOXIE — has proven that we can convert Martian CO2 into oxygen for use by future explorers. NASA engineer Asad Aboobaker tells us more. Learn more about MOXIE:
Producers: Jessica Wilde & Scott Bednar
Editor: Matthew Schara
#Oxygen #Mars #Asked #NASA #Technologist
Saya kesasar😃🤣
No, there isn’t enough oxygen in the entire mass of the planet to EVER create a breathable atmosphere. Pretty sure that was the intent of the question.
Sir i have to donate my body for space research
Why do you guys still use the imperial system? Like come on man, your enitre thing is science and engineering yet you guys decide to keep using an outdated, overcomplicated system of measuring. A bit ironic isn’t it?
Good.but we ready to go darkness.
More fakery
Need to invest more in Nasa and scientific research.
Why are things these days especially “moon stuff” not completely explained?🤔
A NASA bölcsödébe illö mesékkel ámitja az Emberiséget, miközben ö is tudja pontosan a földönkivűliek kezében van a Földbolygo sorsa, a pusztulás kűszöbén állunk, miért is, nézzűk Vilmos herceget és feleségét — nézzűk Istent és földi feleségét, az Életemet, csqak ennyi mikor érsz RÁ, Isten földi felesége JOL VAN KÉRDEZI ISTEN, ÉS SZENT FIA ??? Katalin jol van, a kezedben a földbolygo sorsa,
eu sei que tem vida em marte e que voces guarda muita coisa na area 51 e 52 eu sei que no sub teraneo em marte tem vida e tambem voces sabe que no lado oculto da lua tem vida voces sabe muito bem disso e ainda na area 51 voces faz esperimento com os aliem e so isso
How did people not know this
I know that I am not someone important but why do not they become friends with those not of this world, if it will be better, their intelligence could help us
When i frow up i wanna be a dpace nguneer and create my own rocket but for astroaubats i do not wanna go to space
Is there hydrogen on mars??
NASA = Never A Straight Answer.
While the Americans are flying around in anti gravity craft as such the TR3B and more, the public sit in brainwashed ore at the drip fed theatre show from NASA.
Its hilarious !
Watch — The Phenomenon, Dr Steven Greer and wake up world to the lies you are being fed everyday of your lives from those who work in the space industry and are responsible for it. Presidents, astronauts, ministers of defense, high ranking military officials — all telling you THEMSELVES the TRUTH !
this is what tik tok should be like
Then why is Elon i planning to go to Mars the red planet?
Pretty cool they actually did in small scale already.
Of course there is.. also bill Nelson said HE IS INVESTIGATING UAP tell us the truth BILL I love NASA but we need answers
What about other things need for human
Oh finally an open comment section. Kind of odd that a government organization that abides by the First Amendment has to turn off free speech once they get outed for hiring child actors to film their presidential propaganda.
So how does a taxpayer organization able to shutdown comments? I mean the last most recent comments have been shut off on videos I mean NASA still funded by the US government right?. I used to respect NASA fur being non-political but I guess not anymore
May you dream of living in a world where there is no such thing as a perfect earth
What is the result of these great experiments that you have done so far? Have you not been able to extend the life span of a human being in a single day? Couldn’t that astronomy have been able to make a single drop of water? The life span of the people of the world is decreasing little by little. Death cannot be conquered
Let’s go Brandon!
Let’s go Brandon!
If NASA doesn’t waste Artemis 2 like a little wasting time getting into a cold pool, NASA could actually still beat SpaceX to the moon
Not A Space Agency. > Nasa.
The people who built the pyramids figured out a way to get of Earth. They already knew humans would destroy their own planet and need to invade a new world lol
इससे अच्छा तो पहले मंगल ग्रह में पानी अगर मिलता है और वो भी अच्छी condition में तो सबसे पहला काम ये करना चाहिए कि मंगल ग्रह में पेड़ लगाने के विषय में सोचना चाहिए, अगर पेड़ पौधे लग जाये तो oxygen level खुद ब खुद बढ़ जाएगा।
So basically with info about CO2 and O2, the best and most possible way with some testing and science, plants would be the perfect fit
But where does that little oxygen come from on Mars? How is that small amount created on Mars? I want to know
ommm. like when you landed on the moon in 1960s
😂 are there freemasons on Mars too ?
YES! I was there in 1987, i walked on the surface about 10 times. with no helmet the air smells like wet clay, or maybe it was the rocks they were sandstone looking. i have a house there. i know right exactly where it is. if you want to hear the full story. search my name on you tube with the main picture of mars. i killed my self and went back about 200 000 years to our home planet and mars. i witnessed the attack on mars that created Vallis Marinaris the attackers are still there. they also destroyed our home planet that is now an asteroid belt between Jupiter and mars.
Here’s my idea, build a dome that runs on moxie, plant trees in the dome for 20 years open up the dome after 20 years and let the trees absorb the co2 and produce oxygen and keep repeating the process and eventually after 100 years when the whole planet is flooded with trees it’ll be possible to walk on mars without having to be on a ventilator
The seasonal changes in oxygen, I would think it’s most likely simply due to changes in temperature. In the winter its colder, the oxygen level drops due the extreme drop in temperature compared to summer. Summer warms up the environment enough to increase the oxygen level in the atmosphere.
You are not telling the truth NASA shows peoples on Mars all the time how do they breath who lying are who telling the truth.
Вопросы осиались
When will people get on mars?
grow trees on mars, they ll create oxygen and water.
Why not plant some trees on Mars to consume the CO2??
So positive.