New Delhi: Meta-owned photo-sharing platform Instagram will pause features that emulate TikTok’s features. After strong criticism from users, the company’s boss has decided to roll back the new features, including a full-screen home feed and more featured posts. Many users and international celebrities resisted the recent changes. Users initiated the campaign against Instagram for lost originality. They called on the social networking platform to become similar to TikTok. Celebrity sisters Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner also joined the campaign, posting slogans on social media.
The slogan “make Instagram Instagram again” and stop trying to be like TikTok comes from a petition that has received more than 2,29,000 signatures as of Thursday. “Let’s go back to our roots with Instagram and remember that the intention behind Instagram was to share photos, for Pete’s sake,” the petition reads. (Also read: Apple India Revenue Nearly Doubles in June Quarter 2022)
Instagram boss Adam Mosseri posted a video to Twitter earlier this week, assuring the public that the recently updated features are in the testing phase and will be tested with a small number of users. “I’m glad we took a risk — if we don’t fail every once in a while, we’re not thinking big enough or bold enough. But we definitely need to take a big step back and regroup. When we have learned a lot, we come back with some kind of new idea or iteration. So we’re going to work through that,” Mosseri said in an interview with platformer Casey Newton. (Also read: ITR filing FY 2021–22: #ExtendDueDate immediately trends on Twitter)
“If you look at what people are sharing on Instagram, that’s shifting more and more to video over time, we have to embrace that shift,” he added. After heavy criticism, social networking platforms revealed concerns and plans to step back and figure out how to proceed.