Filmmaker Sajid Khan, who is currently staying as a contestant at Bigg Boss 16’s home, has faced a lot of outside criticism for his participation in the show following his MeToo allegations in 2017. Following Sherlyn Chopra, actress Sheela Priya Seth has claimed the filmmaker tried to make her uncomfortable with derogatory questions.
Speaking to Jagran, the actress recalled the incident in 2008. “I met for the first time Director Sajid Khan in 2008. When I asked him to cast me for his upcoming project, but because of some of his antics, I was flabbergasted.”
“He looked at my privates for about five minutes and said ‘you should have the surgery because your breasts aren’t big enough for Bollywood.’ He even said that I should use some oil to enlarge my breasts. And my breasts should be massaged daily, then only I can work in Bollywood,” she added.
Many actresses and models came forward and spoke out against Sajid, filmmaker Farah Khan’s younger brother, during the 2018 MeToo movement in India. He has been accused of sexual assault, including flashing his privates at parties, asking female actors to send him their nude photos as part of the casting, and watching porn in front of women.
Sajid Khan has returned and made a rare appearance on Bigg Boss 16 after a 4 year hiatus.