🚀 Deep Research: New Tool from OpeÂnAI for ChatÂGÂPT! 🔍 #OpeÂnAI #DeepÂReÂsearch #airevÂoÂluÂtion #chatÂgÂpt
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#openÂdeepÂreÂsearch #AIRace #deepÂreÂsearch #chatgpt4 #chatÂgÂptÂfeaÂture #tweakÂliÂbrary
AI has launched Deep Research, a recent tool that can furÂther expand AI abilÂiÂties. While ChatÂGÂPT will offer to use a priÂor frame of refÂerÂence to answer the quesÂtion, Deep Research will search through artiÂcles, papers, PDFs and images to proÂvide a response. This means that it doesn’t just depend on inforÂmaÂtion it was trained on, but instead it actuÂalÂly researchÂes in real time for a more corÂrect and up-to-date answer.
Deep Research may spends between 5 to 30 minÂutes creÂatÂing a strucÂtured report with actuÂal sources while ChatÂGÂPT responds in real-time. In a forÂmal demonÂstraÂtion, Deep Research was asked about the weathÂer for a ski trip — rather than proÂvide a simÂple answer, it immeÂdiÂateÂly went online, looked in mulÂtiÂple places, and proÂduced an in-depth report based on actuÂal data.
Who can use it?
Right now, Deep Research is only availÂable for Pro users of ChatGPT.
What do you think? Will this change how we use AI? Drop your thoughts in the comments!
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#Deep #Research #Tool #OpeÂnAI #ChatÂGÂPT #OpeÂnAI #DeepÂReÂsearch #airevÂoÂluÂtion #chatÂgÂpt
Thanks for the video
Very inforÂmaÂtive and well-explained. Thanks for sharing!