Russian Cargo Ship Departs the International Space Station
NASA,ISS,Expedition 41,Progress 56,Undock
Loaded with trash and obsolete items, the un-piloted Russian ISS Progress 56 cargo ship undocked from the Pirs Docking Compartment at the International Space Station Oct. 27, three months after arriving to deliver more than two and a half tons of supplies for the Expedition crew member residents. The Progress moved to a safe distance away from the complex for three weeks of engineering tests by Russian flight controllers before its scheduled deorbiting Nov. 19 to burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere.
#Russian #Cargo #Ship #Departs #International #Space #Station
Russian Cargo Ship Departs the International Space Station
Presumably the x,y,z in top RHS are pitch yaw & roll relative to each other? Thanks
“engineering tests by Russian flight controllers” — what kind of tests?