Panel 4: Exploring the Outer Solar System — PART 1
NASA,Space,Explore,Solar System
Panel Chair: Ralph McNutt (Applied Physics Laboratory)
Torrence V. Johnson (JPL): Outer Solar System Exploration: An Archetype Of The Scientific Method
Arturo Russo (University of Palermo): Europe’s Rendezvous With Titan” The European Space Agency’s Contribution in The Cassini-Huygens Mission To The Saturnian System
Robert Pappalardo (JPL): Revealing Europa’s Ocean
#Panel #Exploring #Outer #Solar #System #PART
i tried my best to pay attention but i was distracted by the fact that everyone looked and dressed like they were in court. science is exiting. this is not exiting. im not asking for jersey shore here, but you’d figure that a bunch of people who dedicate their lives to studying the Cosmos would be hippies or mystics or somthing cool like that, not a bunch of stuffy, tired looking, too-formal people. as an aspiring astronomer, is this what i have to look forward to?
Good talk. glad there were no hippies, mystics or misandry promoting feminists. just career professionals who are only interested in knowledge.
i’m not a scientist, but are you sure you didn’t mistake astrology with astronomy? ^^
we need speed of light spacecraft to reach outer solar system.
we need patience and dedication … just like all thee other alien societies who are now going interstellar
rocket engine flies nearly at the speed of light.
It is possible to invent or innovate engine that flies more than the speed of light.
25:05 serious guy, in awe guy, smirking guy and bored guy
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wow the Italian speaker almost put me to sleep you would think at his age he would have learned how to engage with the audience by now.