Tag: Finger

Microsoft’s Surface 2, Valve’s SteamOS, Netflix’s Emmy: 90 Seconds on The Verge

Microsoft's Surface 2, Valve's SteamOS, Netflix's Emmy: 90 Seconds on The Verge…

irizflick irizflick

iPhone 5s Fingerprint DEMO & GUIDE (Apple Touch ID Test)

iPhone 5s Fingerprint DEMO & GUIDE (Apple Touch ID Test) iphone 5s…

irizflick irizflick

iPhones, BlackBerry, and Breaking Bad: 90 Seconds on The Verge

iPhones, BlackBerry, and Breaking Bad: 90 Seconds on The Verge entertainment,news,apple,reviews,journalism,decline,auction,tech,space gray,culture,5s,blackberry,finger,marques…

irizflick irizflick

iPhone 5s, 5c, and a twerk-tastic hoax: 90 Seconds on The Verge

iPhone 5s, 5c, and a twerk-tastic hoax: 90 Seconds on The Verge…

irizflick irizflick

App Review: Finger Army 1942

App Review: Finger Army 1942 Finger Army 1942,Whack-A-Mole,App Review,Android,Google Play Store,finger army…

irizflick irizflick

Biohackers: A journey into cyborg America

Biohackers: A journey into cyborg America body modification,theverge,implant,warwick,shawn sarver,lepht anonym,finger magnets,lepht,biohacker,journalism,reviews,anonym,modification,tech,dann berg,tim…

irizflick irizflick

SoftKenetic finger recognition video preview

SoftKenetic finger recognition video preview science,news,reviews,the verge,finger recognition,entertainment,ces,ces 2012,culture,tech,technology,journalism,motion,kinect,softkenetic Ross takes a…

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