Tag: gamestop

Congress hits Robinhood HARD! GameStop hearing in 10 minutes (supercut)

Congress hits Robinhood HARD! GameStop hearing in 10 minutes (supercut) CNET,Technology,News,Tech,gamestop,gamestop stock,congress,congressional…

irizflick irizflick

WallStreetBets goes to Washington: GameStop investor testifies!

WallStreetBets goes to Washington: GameStop investor testifies! CNET,Technology,News,Tech,gamestop,gme,roaring kitty,deep fucking value,dfv,reddit investor,wallstreetbets,wall…

irizflick irizflick

How Reddit gamed the stock of GameStop

How Reddit gamed the stock of GameStop gamestop,reddit,amc,stock market,gamestop explained,the verge,verge,short stock,gme,what…

irizflick irizflick

The Internet vs. Wall Street: GameStop short squeeze explained 🚀

The Internet vs. Wall Street: GameStop short squeeze explained 🚀 CNET,Technology,News,Tech,smartphone,stocks,wall street,gamestop,wallstreetbets,wsb,stonks,to…

irizflick irizflick

Are You Using Android Pay Yet?

Are You Using Android Pay Yet? unbox therapy,unboxtherapy,( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),tech,technology,gadgets,gadget,unboxing,review,unbox,therapy,new,youtube,android pay,android,pay,mobile…

irizflick irizflick


BLACK FRIDAY / CYBER MONDAY DEALS 2013! black friday,black,friday,black friday 2013,black friday…

irizflick irizflick

I got the PS4 early!

I got the PS4 early! ps4,playstation 4,ps4 unboxing,ps4 review,unboxing,review,gameplay,ps4 gameplay,early ps4,today,this week,playstation,sony…

irizflick irizflick


GTA V MIDNIGHT LAUNCH! Grand Theft Auto V (Video Game),gta v,midnight launch,gta…

irizflick irizflick

Diablo 3 / Max Payne 3 Midnight Launch (Release Day Lineup)

Diablo 3 / Max Payne 3 Midnight Launch (Release Day Lineup) diablo…

irizflick irizflick

Ninja Gaiden 3 Collector’s Edition Unboxing

Ninja Gaiden 3 Collector's Edition Unboxing ninja gaiden 3 unboxing,ninja gaiden 3,ninja,Gaiden,unboxing,unbox…

irizflick irizflick