Tag: motion tracking

Wearables and smart footballs NFL players are using to prep for the big game (with Clay Matthews)

Wearables and smart footballs NFL players are using to prep for the…

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Google Tango: A glimpse into the future of AR on phones

Google Tango: A glimpse into the future of AR on phones Google…

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Intel’s Project Alloy headset mixes reality with fiction

Intel’s Project Alloy headset mixes reality with fiction ntel,first look,hands on,VR,virtual reality,headset,AR,augmented…

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Motix replaces your mouse with finger pointing — CES 2015

Motix replaces your mouse with finger pointing — CES 2015 Mouse (Computer…

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How will we interact with computers in the future? — THE BIG FUTURE Ep. 12

How will we interact with computers in the future? - THE BIG…

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Project Tango Interview and Demo at Google I/O 2014

Project Tango Interview and Demo at Google I/O 2014 AndroidAuthority,Android,Project Tango,motion tracking,google…

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The Leap Motion experience at SXSW 2013

The Leap Motion experience at SXSW 2013 culture,entertainment,reviews,Ross Miller,journalism,video,technology,news,tech,science,motion tracking,hands-on,Leap Motion,the verge…

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