Tag: Tim Kopra

ISS Astronauts Talk Space to Ground with Chicago Students

ISS Astronauts Talk Space to Ground with Chicago Students NASA,International Space Station,Expedition…

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Space Station Astronaut Answers Questions from Space

Space Station Astronaut Answers Questions from Space NASA,International Space Station,Expedition 47,Tim Kopra,Columbia…

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Space Station Astronauts Talk about Life in Orbit

Space Station Astronauts Talk about Life in Orbit NASA,International Space Station,Expedition 47,Tim…

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NASA Astronauts Talk About Life Aboard the ISS

NASA Astronauts Talk About Life Aboard the ISS NASA,International Space Station,Expedition 47,Tim…

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Talking to astronauts live from space

Talking to astronauts live from space NASA,International Space Station,astronauts,ESA,Jeff Williams,Tim Peak,Tim Kopra,space,lower…

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ISS Crewmembers Talk About Life on the Station

ISS Crewmembers Talk About Life on the Station NASA,International Space Station,Expedition 47,Tim…

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What’s Up on the Space Station?

What’s Up on the Space Station? NASA,International Space Station,Expedition 47,Tim Kopra,Jeff Williams,Tim…

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So … What’s It Like On The Space Station, Commander?

So … What’s It Like On The Space Station, Commander? NASA,International Space…

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A Discussion with the Space Station Crew

A Discussion with the Space Station Crew NASA,International Space Station,Expedition 47,Tim Kopra,Tim…

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New ISS Commander Onboard

New ISS Commander Onboard NASA,Tim Kopra,Scott Kelly,Sergey Volkov,Mikhail Kornienko,Roscosmos,Tim Peake,European,nternational Space Station…

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