In accordance with the Information Technology Rules, 2021, in May tech giant Google India removed nearly four lakh of malicious content through an automated detection process. The company said it received 25,694 complaints from individual users in India through certain mechanisms during the month-long reporting period.
“These complaints relate to third-party content that is believed to violate local laws or privacy rights on Google’s SSMI platforms,” the company said in the report.
“The complaints received cover various categories. Some requests may claim infringement of intellectual property rights, while others claim violation of local laws that prohibit types of content on grounds such as defamation,” she added.
Over 24,000 of these complaints concerned copyright infringement, followed by trademark infringement (433) and other legal issues (257).
The tech giant removed 62,673 pieces of content that violated the Community Guidelines in response to user complaints.
Google mentioned that they carefully review complaints about content on their platforms when they receive complaints.